Saturday, August 31, 2013

Author's Post: Interview with Jubei

Author:  Are you happy with your role so far in this story?

Jubei:  To tell you the truth, No. I am not happy.  I broke Sakamoto out of prison, but other than showing up at crime scenes, I haven't had much action.

Author:  I know you want to confront Kageura, but I don't know quite how to set it up for this book, yet.

Jubei:  I understand being an author present difficulties in manipulation. The other characters would agree.

Author:  How do you want to confront Kageura?

Jubei:  I'd like to run into him, have a spar session - maybe more than one before the end of the book.

Author:  What have you been doing the past 150 years since the last battle.

Jubei:  Keeping a low profile.  Hunting demons.

Author: And Sakamoto, do you plan to tell him about Van Helsing?

Jubei:  Yes, when the time is right.

Author: How about yor plans for now, that you have broken Sakamoto out of jail.

Jubei:  I have a place out in the desert - he can rest there and we can work on strategy.

Author: I didn't know that. I thought you ad a place in Hollywood.

Jubei:  I do, but I also have a hideout in the desert, where I train. 

Author: Thank you for this interview, Jubei.  It has been quite helpful.

Jubei:  You are welcome.

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