Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Jubei Entry: From the Past

Another victim of Kageura was found today.  In a dumpster.  I passed by, and had a sense about the detective. I had the same feeling before, when the dancer was killed.

I told the detective that this victim was killed by the same one who killed the dancer. He looked at me, was about to say something in anger, but stopped.  "Do I know you?" he asked.  I don't know if he referred to the other night, or if he meant something else.

I sense that I know this man from a past era.

"I do not think so, yet I do sense that I know you," I answered.

"Humor me," he said, "How do you know it was the same killer?"

"By the smell," I answered.  He ignored me and walked away.

"Hey, Lieutenant," an patrol officer called to the detective, "The dancer,"

"What of her?"

"Her body disappeared from the morgue."

"What she do, walk away?"

"You're not kidding.  It's on tape."

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