Sunday, July 7, 2013

Kageura's Entry: At the Strip Club

I walked into an entertainment store tonight.  100 years have passed since I last walked among the living.  The world has visually changed, but the culture of the living has not.  Alcohol is served to the men, and women dance to entertain men. 

An obnoxious man was harrassing a dancer.  It was too much for her. She cried and left the room.  He ruined his own entertainment.

Later, I walked outside.  The dancer is walking in the rain.  The man who harassed her is following her in a horseless carriage.  The dancer turned around to insist to the man to leave her alone.  When she turned around, I fed on her, and in return, she will receive immortality.   I looked towards the man. He was staring at me.  Scared.    "From now on," I commanded, "You are under my command."

The man sped off thinking to escape, but he is already under my control.

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