Friday, July 26, 2013

Kageura Entry: New Recruit

My first disciple - woman can be warriors.  Women can even be Empresses who officially rule - But the Tokugawas and the Western influences which began during the Meiji Restoration put an end to that.  I learn that it changing again during this era.

Candy is her name. She danced for men. But she is strong willed.  Life did not go her way - she felt humiliated and ostracized, but did what she had to do - and most importnatly, kept her dignity in spite of what others might of thought of her profession.

Candy, yu are the first to be resurrected.  I have been recruiting others, and you will recruit others, and our recruits will recruit others.  And soon, we will have an army of warriors and we will be victorious.

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